About Ustawi


Ustawi means prosperity in Swahili.

I consider myself a patriot. So much so, that I am committed to re-telling the history of our people in a simple and truthful way. I will be happy to have you join me and share in this exciting journey.

I am fully persuaded that trully knowing who we are as a people is only possible when we know where we came from, and what we've been through: it is the reason that I choose to always start the narrative of every menu at the top of this page, from the period before the colonialist came here, right through to the present day;

Thereby making the case for our future and hope in the proper context of our New Constitution. I have done so using a balanced, sensitive and responsible portrayal of our lives and aspirations, educating you the reader on what the new Constitutional dispensation promises;

Then and only then, will we be able to inspire ourselves into a prosperous future full of hope, healing, cohesion, and integration. In short, Ustawi.


Thank you for visiting my page.


Ustawi Team Lead

Steve Nguru
Team Ustawi Lead



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